Wednesday, June 27, 2012


You get tired of rest in a five-star hotel?Take a tour of the longest caves in the world. Diver Chris Starnawski does professionally.
Guided underwater cave is an extraordinary experience. If you're tired of the pyramids and want something new, you can follow in the footsteps Starnawskiego and try to explore the cave complex Dahab Egypt coasts at a depth of 222 meters. exploration of this complex Pole took over 8 hours - reports
However Starnawski professional. Inexperienced płetwonurkom glide is not recommended for longer than an hour. On his trip Starnawski chooses caves przepłynięte not yet by anyone. Currently trying to cave Czech zeksplorować Hranická Propast that sailed so far to a depth of 181 meters. But novice divers to glide is not recommended to the caves niezeksplorowanych.
The challenge for the Polish team are also Mexican complexes. Polak hopes that during one trip will examine two deep cave systems, Sac Actun and Dos Ojos, which can be connected to one corridor. The discovery of this corridor would be a great achievement not only for the Starnawskiego, but also for the history of speleology.Expeditions into the depths is an elite tourism, but are becoming increasingly popular.Formed a travel agency that specialize in sending adventurers in the most inaccessible places of the earth. You can also always have to organize such an exclusive trip to hisconciergeowi . 

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