At Port Ghaleb, Ahmad Mahmoud wonders about the future of tourism

The government is currently making sure that local communities will become active stakeholders in the tourism business: "We have a pilot project in Dahshour to encourage traditional industries. It is a private sector project that aims to improve local skills, increase income, and maintain the fabric of the local community" In Sinai, where instances of instability have surfaced repeatedly over the past year, efforts are being made to engage the locals. "We have made great efforts to integrate the locals into tourism. We are asking them to protect the hotels and tourist resorts and training them to work in tourism," he said. Abdel Nour seemed hopeful that the transitional phase will end soon, so that tourism may return to former levels. "Egypt's chances to grow after the revolution are tremendous. And yet Egypt is going through a difficult transitional phase. On-going changes can lead to considerable losses, whose magnitude will be smaller the shorter the transition."
Still, Egypt's success in tourism depends on political and moral issues, such as democracy and human rights: "We need support. We need success. We need to emerge out of the crisis. Getting out of the crisis will allow us to maintain the ideals of democracy and human rights." The minister blamed the local media for failing to cover tourism-related topics in "a satisfactory manner". He said, "We need a tourism media that is professional. What we ask of the media is to relay faithfully what it sees in reality. I personally have a strong need to learn about the negative aspects and I ask the media to cover them. But I also hope the media will cover the positive too."
Taleb Al-Rifai, the secretary general of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), said that Egypt's Ministry of Tourism is doing a lot to revive tourism in Egypt. "Tourism matters for Egypt; it contributes twice as much as the Suez Canal to Egypt's GDP, and it creates new jobs," Al-Rifai said. Tijani Haddad, the president of the International Federation of Journalists and Travel Writers, said that western media coverage depicts events in the region as if they were natural disasters. He added that the media should be more accurate in its reporting, so as not to undermine tourism in countries that rely on this sector. Mark Leftly, associate business editor of the newspaper The Independent, said the total figure of tourists in 2012 was one billion, and that one out of 12 jobs worldwide is related to tourism.
For her part Layla Revis, vice president of Digital Strategy, says countries should build up brand names and offer appropriate travel guides to visitors; they should improve the skills of workers in the tourism business and enhance the awareness of the citizens. Tourists will visit countries with a reputation for transparency and consumer-oriented service. Likewise Ben Wedeman, the CNN Cairo bureau chief: he felt that tourism coverage is expensive in general and that journalists will be more eager to cover tourism if governments pitched in with their travelling and accommodation costs. Subsidising journalists' travel costs, he suggested, is far cheaper than mounting media campaigns. Zully Salazar Fuentes, vice president for tourism in Proexport, a Colombian company, says that armed conflicts wrecked Colombian tourism initially, but the government managed to improve the situation through transparency. By explaining which areas are dangerous and which are not, it became possible for tourists to choose their destinations with few or no security worries.
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