The months of the turning point back confidence
That the travel industry is regaining slowly but surely, confidence is confirmed by the data of the first seven months of the year. From January to July - informs the Ministry of Tourism headed by Mohamed Abbas Hisbam Zaazou - Egypt has received 5,472,700 visitors, an increase of 23.4% compared to the dramatic 2011. The month of the turning point, with regard to the Italian market, it was August. With 98,886 tourists Italy has jumped to second place, after Russia. Growth compared to the same month last year is 18%, but the gap that separates the data from the pre-revolutionary remains large: in August 2010, more than 140 thousand Italians had spent their holidays in Egypt.
"The relationship between the two countries is very strong, especially now that the situation has returned to be quiet," says Mohamed El Abbd Gabbar, director of the Italian branch of the Egyptian tourism entity. From our offices in Via Barberini there's also the data on the first eight months of the year in which it was recorded an overall increase of 36.4% compared to 2011 with 493mila visitors (two years ago were even 794mila). In this case, however, Italy is in fourth place, preceded by Russia, Germany and the United Kingdom. The goal for 2013 is to climb the rankings with an advertising campaign aimed at trade and consumer, orchestrated with the main to active on the target.
"We will focus on the Other Egypt, that of Berenice, on the Mediterranean coast and the New Valley, encouraging honeymooners, families and individuals," informs El Gabbar. Could end up in the attic the slogan The beginning of all stories. Yours, too, replaced by a message as short and punchy. "But these are decisions to be taken in Cairo, the headquarters of the entity," says the director who next year will have "a budget equal to or even superior" to that of 2012. Starting in January, the advertising tappezzeranno Italian cities on buses, trains and airports. For the insiders are planned, in the meantime, two educational: in November and December in Marsa Alam in the New Valley. And in March a roadshow for adv.
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