Showing posts with label Jean Claude Van Damme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jean Claude Van Damme. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Soarin' in Luxor

LUXOR, Egypt -- If, in my next life I'm allowed only one hot-air balloon ride -- assuming Egypt's pharaohs were correct about this after-life business -- make it this one.
Another 4 a.m. wake-up call? No problem. Just get us to the balloon on time. I witnessed several spectacular sunrises over the Nile during our visit but only one while soaring 500 metres above Egypt's Valley of the Tombs in a six-passenger, hydrogen fed, hot-air balloon.
Sure, it set me back $100 or so, but the adventure included: Mini-bus from hotel/cruise ship to Nile River crossing; small ferry boat ride (with coffee and Hostess Twinkie) to the Egyptian west bank; another mini-bus ride to the balloon compound; one quick lesson on the do's and don'ts of ballooning. And then one extraordinary thrill: A breath-stealing, 45-minute flight over 4,000-year-old temples, tombs and monuments carved into the limestone hills of the Sahara desert by those filthy rich pharaohs.
Ours is one of nine hot-air balloons lifting off this early morning. A sign, says our pilot/captain Tarek Mohamed Khilil, that tourism has rebounded following the spring ouster of Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarek.
Khilil has been piloting balloons for eight years and is clearly a master of the soft landing -- though it's the wind, he says, that determines the aircraft's direction.
On this day, the wind seems determined to push us into the side of a tourist police station as we brace for landing. But, with one quick thrust of the craft's hydrogen-induced flame, we glide over police headquarters and settle down a few feet away from the highway, where a standby-crew gathers up our now deflated balloon.
Back on our tour bus, we head to the Valley of the Kings, where King Tut, Ramses I-through-VI and about 55 other mummified Pharaohs were buried in their gold-encrusted coffins, along with their thrones, jewels, perfumes and other earthly possessions in preparation for an after-life which, who knows, might include one out-of-this world balloon ride.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Egypt Vacation Packages – See The Ancient Temples The Way The Pharaohs Did

The most popular of Nile cruises are those that last three to five days and take you from the city of Aswan to Luxor. So, when you are looking at Egypt vacation packages make sure there is a Nile cruise included.
Historically, a boat trip along the Nile was the only way to get to the temples and tombs located along the northern part of the river. It is still one of the most popular ways to see this ancient historic land. The most popular of Nile cruises are those that last three to five days and take you from the city of Aswan to Luxor. So, when you are looking at Egypt vacation packages make sure there is a Nile cruise included.
There are many specialized forms of tourism nowadays and Egypt vacations are part of that. Besides being a worldwide destination for archaeological, historical and cultural tour packages there is also what is known as therapeutic tourism. Egypt tours boast a wide variety of beautiful and healing geographical places, such as hot springs.
Proven scientific research suggests that clay found in many of the hot springs, have therapeutic benefits and have been known to cure bone abnormalities, skin problems, kidney and lung diseases including other problems. It is said too, that the water of the Red Sea a chemical composition that helps to cure forms of psoriasis.
Even Socrates recommended this area for its climatic therapeutic properties. There is evidence of this in many of his writings, dating from the Greek era. Socrates, scribed the now renowned papers called “Egypt and Climatic Therapy”. He suggested citizens travel to this beautiful land and enjoy its air, their sands and their waters. Many did and since then, countless numbers have experienced and enjoyed relief and renewed health from visiting this most ancient of lands.
Many of the Nile cruises employ staff members who are known as Egyptologists. They can be an invaluable resource for you to absorb as much of the culture as you possibly can for the time you are there. To prepare yourself further, it is advisable to bring a map of the country and the Nile in particular. A perfect companion would be a pocket-sized book of archaeological and historical Egyptian facts, color illustrations, and archival photographs.
Once you have booked your trip, you need to show your original passport, 2 extra passport photos, a copy of the round trip tickets and an itinerary. Your passport will be stamped with a registration mark and you are on your way. You will need to register again upon arrive but, the assistants at the airport or cruise ship will help you with that.
Here are some health related items you’ll want to consider bringing with you; high level sunblock and good sunglasses, iodine tablets and water filters to purify water just in case clean water is not available. A hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes, as there will be fewer places to wash up when you are not on the ship. You’ll want to bring mosquito repellent and/or long sleeved shirts and pants to protect yourself from sun and bugs and a hat.
Before leaving, you may need to get some vaccinations, your health-care provider trained in travel medicine will known exactly what you need in terms of required shots, anti-malaria drugs and any other medication that you will need to protect yourself aboard. There is a lot to think about when looking into Egypt vacation packages but, it is well worth the extra effort so you get the most out of your trip.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Jean Claude Van Damme
Super famous actor and kickboxer Jean Claude Van Damme has arrived in Egypt to celebrate his 51st birthday.
He explained his choice by a great interest in the recent changes that occurred in the country.
The celebrity plans to go sight seeing, meet his fans and take part in several local TV shows.